Bedtime struggles, frequent night wakings, early morning wake ups …. Does this sound familiar?
Don’t worry, I am here to help.
My name is Anna Pasotti, L’Acchiappasonno- The Sleep Catcher and I am a certified pediatric sleep consultant.
Imagine that one day getting ready for sleep will be a happy moment to be looking forward to, that evenings will be when you have time for yourself, and in the mornings the whole family will be waking up rested, full of energy and happy.
This day is closer than you think!
Find out how
Have night wakings, evening battles and inconsistent naps become so normal to you that you feel like things could never change? Let’s talk about it. I’ll help you find a way to change your situation and wake up a rested and relaxed family.
Do you not remember the last time you had a resting night and peaceful evening because of your child’s sleep issues? Let’s change your situation together. We’ll find the best way to solve your problems and get your family sleeping well.
Your baby has joined the family a couple of weeks ago but things are not going as you expected? I can help you.
Together we’ll find the best schedule and ways to support your newborn
baby and allow them
to sleep as peacefully
and long as possible.
Are you not enjoying the time waiting for your baby to come because everyone keeps telling you how hard it will be? Ask for my help. I will clear all of your doubts and make sure you are prepared for the arrival of your baby and sleep as well as possible during
those first weeks.
Is there anything confusing you about your child’s sleep? Would you like some tips in order to make sure you know how to best handle any situation or change? Book a short consultation. I will give you practical information and I will show you what you can do to solve the issues you are experiencing at the moment.
About Me
HI! I am Anna Pasotti, an internationally recognised pediatric sleep expert, mom of an energetic girl and former educator. I have created L’Acchiappasonno – The Sleep Catcher in order to help and support families like yours to transform their nights and wake up rested and cheerful every morning. With empathy and expertise I support exhausted parents from all other the world to stop feeling like they are doing something wrong and to learn how to help their little ones to rest well. I have felt like this too and I know what you are going through. I chose to become a pediatric sleep consultant in order to support families like mine to find the serenity I have. I have helped more than 300 families and I’d be honored if yours will become next. A great night’s sleep is just one click away!
The Sleep Approach
I am a certified Sleep Consultant and have trained with the Sleep Sense Program, that counts around 400 consultants around the globe, offers frequent training and that has changed the nights of over 110.000 families.
The Sleep Sense Program believes that there is no one method for every child. Each family and each child and age group have different needs; it is important to know and understand each other and find together the right path, and this is exactly what I do with families who seek my support.
My blog
Read in my blog the answers to the most common problems children, infants, toddlers and newborn face regarding sleep, and my suggestions to help you get past them.
Sleeping in the parents’ bed and co-sleeping are not the same thing
When a child is born, one of the most important changes that parents have to face concerns sleeping. A newborn wakes up often during the night, must be cared for and could take a long time falling asleep again. Parents’ sleep is often interrupted, they might become...
The importance of an afternoon nap for children
Even though parents often concentrate on the fact that their children sleep well at night, an afternoon nap is equally important. However, even on this topic – as for many others – there are some false beliefs. In this article I will explain why an afternoon nap is...
Why doesn’t my child sleep? Here the most frequent reasons
Since I started this profession, there is one question that parents ask me more than others: “Why doesn’t my child sleep?” Having a child who rests badly or little is truly tiring and, in time, can lead a couple to doubt their parenting skills. However, the reason...